Core Conditioning Class starts Wednesday, Jan 19


Salem Park, Recreation & Community Services


Core Conditioning for Runners

*Wednesdays 5:30 AM*

* 5 Broad Street ( Senior Center ) Salem MA *

*8 weeks*

 *Start date: Wednesday, Jan 19th

 *Cost: $40 for 8 weeks

*This class will focus on building a strong and stabile core in runners of all levels. A strong core will aid in proper running form, reduce fatigue on long runs and races, and help to prevent many injuries that are common to runners. We will incorporate a variety of running-specific strength and flexibility exercises using body weight,

tubes, stability balls and other equipment. Modifications will be given for each exercise for more or less challenge. A side effect may even be brand-new “6 pack abs” for the coming racing season!*

Class taught by Karen Giroux,

ACE Certified Personal Trainer and USA

Track & Field Level 1 Coach

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