Derby Street Mile says thank you to volunteers, runners and sponsors!

Thanks to all the runners, volunteers, sponsors and Salem Police for making the Salem Park & Recreation’s Derby Street Mile race another
great event. I appreciate everyone that participated. It was another great night in Salem. Over 500 runners were registered for the race!!
Pictures will be posted soon.
Results can be found at

watch a video!/video/video.php?v=2141379387014&oid=293677846387&comments

Thanks to Sponsors: North Face, Danversbank, Waterfront Hotel & Suites, Boston Herald, Stephen O’Grady Foundation, B & S Fitness,, CB Photography and the Salem Trolley.

Volunteers included: Steve and Deb Touchette, Liz and Dan Sullivan, Kathy Moskal, Beth Griffin, Sheila Chandler, Alison,
Kerry and Natalie Phelan, Karen Giroux, Sandy George, Eileen Dunn, Meghan Botticelli, Ellen Talkowsky, Julie Arrison,
Ed and Julie Viega, Beth O’Grady, Brian Chisholm, Dave Gilbert, Michele and Gif Campbell, John A,
The McKinnon Family, Tina Walker, Tracy Moran, Mara Mendalsohn, Mike Toomey, Dylan Gallagher Iapicca,
Dawn Farley Cobak and Ed Zielinski.

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