Running Clinic starts on March 17

Toomey Sports Running Center


Salem Park, Recreation, and Community Services

2011 Running Programs

8 Week Spring Running Clinic (Session 1)

  • Thursdays (6:30pm) 3/17 – 5/5
  • Cost is $75 ($65 for Wicked Running Club Members)
  • Ideal for ALL levels and will focus on events from 5k-1/2 marathon


8 Week Spring Running Clinic (Session 2)

  • Thursdays (6:30pm) 5/19 – 7/7
  • Cost is $75 ($65 for Wicked Running Club Members)
  • Ideal for ALL levels and will focus on events from 5k-1/2 marathon


12 Week Marathon and Half Marathon Running Clinic

  • Thursdays (6:30pm) and Saturdays (7am) 7/21-10/6
  • Cost is $125
  • This is our most popular clinic
  • Workouts are on Thursday and Long Runs are on Saturdays
  • Ideal for ALL levels and will focus on marathon and half marathon


6 Week Wild Turkey Running Clinic

  • Thursdays (6:30pm) 10/13-11/17
  • Cost is $65 ($55 for Wicked Running Club Members)
  • Ideal for ALL levels and will focus on training for 5 mile Wild Turkey Race
  • Entry into Thanksgiving Day race is included

.  ***** Athletes joining these clinics will receive a customized training program and access to Toomey Sports Running Center’s online training program and running log at no extra charge. The athletes will receive daily emails outlining the scheduled workouts for the day. More info at

Coach: Mike Toomey. Mike is a USTAF certified coach.

Age: 13 years and up



Liability: The City of Salem Park, Recreation & Community Services Department, School Department and the instructors are not liable for personal injuries or loss of, or damage to personal property. Since this is a physical activity, injuries may occur. Each student may decline to participate in any activity and is also responsible to inform the instructor of any physical limitations, which may prevent full participation in the class.

Signature _____________________________________________Date:___________________

Paid ____ Cash ____ Check ____lease make checks payable to :The City of Salem Park and Recreation Department5 Broad Street, Salem, MA 01970

Please circle the clinic you are signing up for above

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